Union Benefits

Join the US Immigrant Workers Union for legal consultation and support on workplace, immigration, education, and housing issues. Access health care, legal services, and protect your union rights.
US Immigrant Workers Union

Consultation and Support.

Join now to access consultation and support on workplace, immigration, education, and housing issues for immigrant workers.

Job Security and Rights Protection

The union ensures job security and protects members' rights in the workplace, offering a sense of stability and support.
Job Security and Rights Protection

Financial and Welfare Plans

Members can benefit from financial and welfare plans provided by the union, helping to secure their financial well-being.
Financial and Welfare Plans

Mental Health Support

The union offers mental health support services to assist members in dealing with work-related stress and challenges.
Mental Health Support

Support for Immigrant Workers

Benefits for Union Member Immigrant Workers.

Collective Bargaining Power
This feature empowers members by collectively negotiating with employers for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Legal Aid and Support
Members receive legal assistance and support for workplace, immigration, education, and housing issues, ensuring their rights are protected.
Professional Training and Development
Access to professional training and development programs to enhance skills and career opportunities.
Professional Networking and Resources

Joining the union allows freelancers to access a wide network of professionals and resources, helping you to find new job opportunities, clients, and partnerships.

Financial Management and Tax Support Services

We offer services for financial management and tax support, assisting freelancers with budgeting, tax filing, and financial planning.

Cooperation and Collective Purchasing Services

Unions can facilitate cooperation among freelancers and provide collective purchasing services, allowing members to access better rates for equipment, software, and other necessary tools.

Contract and Work Advice

Unions provide advice on contract negotiations, rate setting, and working conditions, helping freelancers better manage their careers.

Image of Benefits for Union Member Immigrant Workers
Legal Aid and Support
Professional Training and Development

Join now.

Joining the US Immigrant Workers Union was the best decision I made for my career and well-being. - Jerry Walker